⚠︎ Incomplete! (You probably noticed). It will look nice once inspiration flows, or it may never look nice.

Date created: Oct 1, 2024 #web

Dnis, they exist, I don't like them. They are some of the most stupid things I've ever seen, alongside the robots.txt file, assuming putting a line of text at the top of something is going to stop anyone who wanted to do something has never worked ever. You might say that having a dni doesn't hurt anyone but I have to disagree with that, every dni you write takes up like 50 bytes, that takes energy, and your energy contributes to global warming, so when we all die because the sea level rises over every house I'm blaming you guys.

I have the unfortunate fate to see a dni everyday because I live on the gay side of the internet for some reason and I think the gay people and fan fiction venn diagram is basically just one circle so dnis just naturally spread out from there ig (I think they originated from fanfic sites but don't quote me on that). For an example here's a dni which is basically what they all are like (no hate to the person I stole this from btw):

swerfs, terfs, proship, radqueer, transmed, anti-lgbt, racist, prolife, conservative, anti-semitic, ableist, lgbt fetishizer, race-fetishizer.

Lets have a good old fashioned English class and dissect this this. Firstly just blocking people who have different opinions to you is kind of stupid, by turning your life into an endless circlejerk you're being just as close minded as the conservatives you seem to hate so much, and also no conservatives at all?? I'm a massive libtard myself but that doesn't stop me from befriending people with differing political views and values? I just cant imagine centring my life around my political stance and cutting off half of the world by doing so. I get not wanting to talk to pedophiles, anti trans people or racists but like if someone who was actually in one of those groups wanted to say something hateful to you, I'm sorry but this warning is not going to stop them, this is only going to make people who were potentially interesting not end up talking to you.

I'd also like to talk about a few of these terms, terfs is the same as anti-lgbt so idk why its here, anti-lgbt is just broader. Proship is just a dumb term to use at all as nobody knows what it means, be more specific, say pedophiles and pro incest people or whatever, though pedophiles aren't gonna care about your dni. Radqueer is a stupid term made by stupid people and used by nobody ever to define themselves ever, there's no point adding it at all. Transmed shouldn't even be a term at all because it seems to just be an argument that should be solved by psychologists and (medical) doctors not people on the internet. I'm fairly sure prolife falls under conservative (swerfs might too and I honestly cant see how you'd ever end up in a situation where someone being a swerf matters at all) so no point adding that if you're gonna be a dick and add conservative anyway. That's all I have to say, I'm on discord at memecompanies if you feel the urge to yell at me about how stupid I am and how I'm anti-lgbt for saying this stuff even though I'm just as much as a sissy liberal as you guys, just less terminally online.

(( ( update 08/10/24 ) ))

Today I was just looking at the nekoweb recently updated section as one does and I saw this site. No joke, this is their dni:

Below 13, I get. Maybe AI image generator user, though not everyone who generates silly images with some shitty ai considers themselves an artist. The rest though?? What does "NSFW users" actually mean?? same with "anti-pyohato" and "problematic people", no I don't think I do know who I am. But the most stupid one, this person straight up put pedos in pedos. I know I jokingly recommended putting that there earlier but nobody wants to get groomed you are so fucking stupid why would you ever think that a pedo would read that an be like, "damn, I guess I cant groom this kid". Btw life hack if you don't want to get groomed by people online, just don't talk to strangers online you stupid fucks.

I also noticed dragon maid in their plan to watch which is rather ironic (it being a show that tries to make pedophilia look normal and not creepy at all).