⚠︎ Incomplete! (You probably noticed). It will look nice once inspiration flows, or it may never look nice.


Pulp Fiction


Adventure Time

Cyberpunk Edgerunner


Current average score: 6.35/10
Type, Name, scoreComment
[TV Show]
Why was the budget for this show $2? Why did the lady at the start randomly say murder maker out of nowhere? Why did the lady at the start cut her bindings if she just needed to run? Why did they hire someone who had no idea how to film, to film this show? Why do they change camera angles for no reason? Why is there shaky cam on some shots that it really doesn't need to be in? These are all questions I had within the first five or so minutes and if that's not a red flag I don't know what is. I'm not sure if anyone actually watched this show after making it because if they did they likely would have realised just how jarring so many of these scenes are. So jarring in fact that I gave up on this by the end of the first episode which might've not been enough time to fully judge it but I'm not a real reviewer and I don't want to waste my time on dogshit.
[TV Show]
(Murder Mindfully)
Pretty alright show, not a fan of the 3rd wall breaks, they feel a little jarring and out of place. The dub is also horrible but watching with subtitles it's rather entertaining if a bit long for it's own good. Also my mans so stupid why did he confess to the bird smh smh.
[TV Show]
Lowkey I almost dropped this on the first episode because I hated everyone. Why are they all such assholes? You're in high school chill out. It doesn't make me feel sorry for them or want to root for them, it just makes me uninterested in the show. Tragically I ended up never liking the characters (except for Javi and Sammy because they just little guys) and when you root against the people it kind of ruins the show, also it was labelled as horror but it really wasn't that horrory? Fire ass cover image though.
[TV Show]
No clue how this isn't at least an 8 on IMDB because this is easily the most captivated I've been by a show in years and if it sticks the landing and ties everything up in season 4 it might just become a 10. Often very spooky and the mystery elements had me fighting the urge to Google what would happen next. I also find the characters to be very sympathetic, not sure why the commentors on the shitty piracy site I used seemed to hate them so much.
[TV Show]
(The Good Place)
Season 1 and 2 were pretty good but it loses some real steam in season 3 and doesn't really come back from it.
(Hansel and Gretel)
Taking some real creative liberties with that title huh.
[TV Show]
(Sweet Tooth)
Dumbass fucking kid getting caught in this Hansel and Gretel shit. Some fairly entertaining stuff and honestly I'll watch anything post apocalyptic at this point, though I wish there was more stuff with apocalypses not caused by viruses. The OST works well and for a kid actor, or just an actor in general, the kid playing the main character is actually really good. Some of the scenery is really beautiful as well. The mystery aspect was pretty good and I liked how the whole story was pieced together and it gave you a moment where you're like ohhh, that makes sense now. Sadly the show kind of went to shit after the first season feeling way less coordinated and interesting. Really lost its steam by the end and honestly I just didn't care by that point.
[TV Show]
(Reply 1994)
This shit is so unbelievably boring, not a single joke landed and since I couldn't find a dub I had to give this my full focus and read the subtitles and it was too much to stomach.
[TV Show]
(Twin Peaks)
If this was one season I'd be fine, but this shit was so long for no good reason and I was so sick of it by the end. Great soundtrack though.
[TV Show]
A good time despite how bad the CGI is sometimes and how unhinged and directionless it becomes nearing the end. Not a giant fan of how formulaic the episodes are. Edit: 7 -> 5, way too long to maintain my interest and sometimes feels disconnected, like how did we get the biggest reveal in the entire series and then get some random stupid ass alternate timeline bullshit.
[TV Show]
(Solar Opposites)
Rick and Morty cutaway but it's the whole show what the fuck.
(John Wick)
(The Place Beyond the Pines)
Really liked the heist sections but the rest of the movie almost bored me to death.
[TV Show]
I know dexter is meant to have them autistic vibes or whatever but it's just too cringy for me to watch this mf talk about how hes empty inside and shit.
(Earth to Echo)
This was the shit when I was like 6. Doesn't hold up but I think I'd be betraying myself to put it any lower.
[TV Show]
(Outer Banks)
Not my thing and why is it so yellow?? I don't know where the hype is coming from because to me it just feels like a very generic teen drama with very beautiful people solving some random ass mysteries.
(The Legend of Tarzan)
Nobody wants live action remakes why does this keep happening bruh 😭😭.
(The Dictator)
The aids joke was pretty funny the rest was perhaps too silly and just felt like an hour long Youtube short or some shit.
(The Dangers In My Heart)
The generic loser dates popular girl romance anime with an increase in needless edginess and a simultaneously forgettable but also annoying soundtrack.
Very popular in terminally online sections of the internet, I can safely say that it's not funny though and as the comedy police my word is law.
(Assassination Classroom)
I really enjoyed this when I was like 13, on closer inspection this is pretty mid. if youre like a 13 year old boy youll have a fun time with it though.
(A Silent Voice)
I really enjoyed this film, the animation was great and it felt just as impactful as the manga
(Suicide Squad Isekai)
the only character they actually animated is harley what the fuck is this
(Kaiju No. 8)
this was a really fun time. my only issues were that the animation felt kind of stilted at some points making the fights look a little wacky every once in a while and the music in this was straight horrendous. this is like high tier slop.
(Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers)
the manga sucks and I can still safely say its better than this. this felt so cheap and I hate the voice acting especially the main characters' voice.
(Minions: The Rise of Gru)
fuck it sure lets have a yeat song in this one that sounds like a good idea
the tagline for this was 'Uh oh' and like yeah
(Despicable Me 3)
the first bad despicable me movie imo, it really felt like they were running out of ideas here. everything just felt so bizzare and it was pretty clear this was a cash grab because they realised they had an infinite money printer.
(Despicable Me 2)
it was fine, I thought the original wrapped things up pretty well though and it this definitly wasnt needed nor was it as good as the original but it wasnt bad either. no vector though which was sad.
(Despicable Me)
I actually really liked despicable me and still do, I thought it was a fun, wholesome and sometimes actually funny film and I still do.
(A Quiet Place: Day One)
can we please stop making quiet place films or at least get someone who knows how to direct next time. I just left dissapointed because this just felt like a quiet place part 3. I wanted to at least get something new.
(The Boy and the Heron)
this movie sucked I have no idea what people are talking about. the story left so much undeveloped and I just ended up bored and confused. maybe I'm just dumb or maybe miyazaki has finally gone senile. the animation was good though.
(The Lion King (CGI))
it was like the lion king but worse I dont know what to say, the cgi lions actually looked really good in my opinion (even though I didn't like the way their mouths moved) but it still felt worse than how they did it like 20 years earlier. the same goes with everything else, the music felt more toned down and the story was just the lion king idk.
(The Lion King)
it was really cool when disney used to make good movies instead of 3d abominations. the animation in this is great and so is the soundtrack, as a 6 year old I wasnt very engaged by the story though but that might be because I was 6.
I actually kind of liked the original sonic design I dont think they should have changed it
(Harold and the Purple Crayon)
this got a 4.4/5 on google what the fuck. I really need to stop watching childrens movies I am not the correct audience for this.
I'm sorry john but I'm only ever going to think of you as jim from the office no matter what you do
(Inside Out 2)
maybe its because I'm not like 7 but this is nowhere near as good as the first one and if I'm being real they should have made this like three years ago because the main audience for the original have all been teens for a while
sorry to break it to you borderlands but people did not play your game for your sense of humor. this film was painful to sit through, I just felt bad for everyone involved.
likely the worst film ive ever watched. the actors had no fucking clue what they were doing to the point where I watched this entire film and could not tell you the plot because I was so jarred by this acting to focus on it. maybe ill try reading the book for that.
this is such a dad movie, anyways it sucked ass
[TV Show]
(Cobra Kai)
its actually pretty good, I feel like it should have ended like two or three seasons ago though
[TV Show]
(Saturday Night Live)
it has way more shit then good stuff. I wasnt even born when it was meant to be good too so that doesn't help.
(The Darkest Minds)
half the reviews in letterboxd were thirsting over harris dickinson and honestly agreed
(Purple Rain)
just listen to the album this is a waste of time, so boring and the acting isn't great either
(The Accountant)
entertaining, not as entertaining as the modern day masterpiece american assassin mind you but I could sit through it without getting bored and complain, my favourite thing to do
(Blue Giant)
its like the manga but I dont have to put jazz on in the background. has some wonky looking cgi but also has some wild mob psycho like art so it evens out.
(Top Gun: Maverick)
really corny but also it was a fun time so who cares
(American Assassin)
I originally had this as a 3. that was before I realised that this movie was actually so shit it was fun to watch. I recommend. I'd like to say this is room level slop but I think its actually achieved peak slop, the room could never.
now my second favourite film of all time. geniune masterpiece and probably my favourite thing thats happened to me in the year 2024, either my life is sad or the the film is just that good (probably both)
[TV Show]
(Nathan for You)
it was cool that people could draw their own meanings from a business thats just there to make money was the funniest thing ive ever heard
[TV Show]
(How to with John Wilson)
made new york seem like the alien planet that it is
very french
(Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
the plotlines were really hard to follow and the forced blowjob scene was made worse by me watching it with my dad
(The Martian)
space oddity was beautiful I love david bowie
(Pirates of the Caribbean)
the only pirates of caribbean film that hasnt merged together with the others in my head
(28 Days Later)
one of my favourite zombie movies of all time, but did they spent all their money to film empty scenes of britain because how is the camera quality so bad
(Back To The Future)
would have liked it more if marty mcfly didn't almost have incestous sex with his mother
(Madame Web)
so is this a spider man movie or not
(Spirited Away)
similar experience to getting lost in a supermarket
my favourite part of the movie was realising the title was a play on words. I feel so smart.
(Terminator 2)
classic but not timeless, there is some really trash looking early 90s cgi and it does feel a little drawn out but kept my attention enough to finish it
(Pulp Fiction)
I can't stop watching it, funniest movie every made no joke (badum tss). holds up extremely well.
entertaining, not the a life changing experience or anything but its silly and fun
(The Matrix)
very cool film that still holds up unlike some of the ass cgi ive seen from its era
(Silence of the Lambs)
definitly overrated but I can see how this would be considered very good back in 16BC
comedy special that feels like the peak of bo's career. it hit harder in quarintine but is still entertaining and a good insight into the general feelings during the quarantine.
[TV Show]
ugly artstyle, plotlines that lead nowhere, awful massive amounts of boring exposition and things still feel unexplained. this show feels like if a weeb with an anime girl pfp got to make a show but only cared about the fights and just made me cringe constantly.
[TV Show]
(Planet Earth)
if aliens invade we should show them this because this shit is beautiful and makes earth look like its not a shithole
[TV Show]
(BoJack Horseman)
a masterpiece which is the peak of mature animation in my mind. bojack horseman is what other mature animated comdies should strive to be, its funny, clever and outlandish in ways that dont seem too crazy because its animated. bojack horseman handles dark issues like substance abuse and bojacks trauma of his terrible childhood in a very real way making bojack seem like more of a person then most characters in other shows and hes not ever a person. also it has aaron paul as todd whats not to love.
[TV Show]
(Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake)
I was kinda sceptical because to be honest I dont think anybody was asking for this and I generally didn't like the fionna and cake episodes because they felt like filler but this most certainly was not filler. the art was great and I get to have yet another look at the world of adventure time, there was yet again not a single miss in the entire season and while I dont think it ever reached the peak the distant lands did in together again thats kind of a hard target. also I got to see prismo again (my beloved)
[TV Show]
(Adventure Time: Distant Lands)
adventure time comes back again to tell more interesting stories and further flesh out one of my favourite worlds with even been animation then the original. not a single episode was a miss even though wizard city really should have been episode 3 and together again should have been episode 4. assuming together again was the intended conclusion adventure time sticks the landing for the second time with an ever better ending then the actual show and I cried like a little baby.
[TV Show]
(Avatar: The Last Airbender)
great art even though it started in 2005, great story with characters that actually change and develop over time and an interesting world.
[TV Show]
(The Mentalist)
one of those detective shows where the main guy is the smart detective solves crimes easily that other detectives find hard. usually not a good show idea because 1000000 of the same show already exist but this time its sometimes funny and his solves seem clever instead of just bullshit. my only issue is that red johns capture sequence sucks so bad, like you can't build someone up to be extremely smart by showing him being extremely smart and then just make him a dumbass come on.
[TV Show]
bear swears and does mature things. thats all the jokes (I dropped it before I finished a season though so it might have got better). I didn't find it funny or even very entertaining but my dad found it halarious so maybe if you have bad taste too you might like it idk.
[TV Show]
(The Suspect)
I dont know how they pulled it off but I hated every character so any tension that was there was offset by the fact that I couldn't care less about anyone and the fact that the main character completely brought it on himself
[TV Show]
(The Office (US))
one of my favourite comedy shows of all time. every character and character dynamic is hilarious. admittedly it did decrease in quality after michael left but it was still funny and entertaining so its not like it turned into garbage like some people seem to say.
[TV Show]
(The Eric Andre Show)
a sitcom written by 3 lsd addicted apes and it almost doesn't ever miss. every joke is consistently funny or you feel so much second hand discomfort for the people on the show that you can't help but letting out an uncomfortable laugh.
I can hear the music!
(Next Goal Wins)
the only thing keeping me watching was that I couldn't leave the theatre during the movie
[TV Show]
(Stranger Things)
season 1 and 4 for some of my favourite seasons of any show and easy 9s and maybe even 10s, the rest werent bad but werent at the same level
[TV Show]
(The Boys)
such a breath of fresh air compared to the normal superhero shit. kinda gone down hill recently but season 1 was peak.
[Short Film]
(Ethereal Snake's Mickey Mouse Series)
it had no reason to actually be well made
[Short Film]
great songs, great art and it somehow still finds time to tell an interesting story?!
(The Hunger Games)
cato is the least threatening villain ive ever seen
we had to watch this and everyone was looking at the one middle eastern kid the entire time
[TV Show]
(Phineas and Ferb)
and the summer keeps going on and on it seems like its been going on for like four years
[TV Show]
(The Flash)
Why is the flash so stupid you have super speed just run at people and instakill them cmon.
(No Country for Old Men)
I feel like they should have caught him sooner considering he looks like the most sketchy person ever
[TV Show]
(Rick and Morty)
morty ive been sending unsolicited messages to underaged girls
(Puss in Boots: The Last Wish)
why is this so much better then the original
(Puss in Boots)
wow its the guy from shrek
(How to Train Your Dragon)
as a child I binge watched every episode of little lizard and tiny turtle's how to train your dragon minecraft series
(Cars 3)
why do they keep making cars films about things unrelated to cars like why is he going through a midlife crisis
(Cars 2)
who was like we gotta make this one a spie film thats what people want to watch in a film about cars
(Ralph Breaks the Internet)
ralph will get cyberbullied and kill himself
I would like to know how car sex works please.
Why when this snail drinks fuel he gets fast but when I drink it I die?? Explain.
(Wreck it Ralph)
Ralph could trip and instantly kill the little girl.
[TV Show]
(House MD)
Every episode is the same episode it's quite incredible really.