⚠︎ Incomplete! (You probably noticed). It will look nice once inspiration flows, or it may never look nice.


The New Sound

Call Me If You Get Lost: The Estate Sale


Ants From Up There

Hunky Dory

Current average score: 6.04/10
Artist, Name, Score, CoverComment
[Susumu Hirasawa]
(Philosopher's Propeller)
Philosopher's Propeller
Big shoutout to eye for recommending this banger. This was well worth needing to open SoulSeek for, this was a mystical, floaty ass album that I'm not even sure how to categorise. It leans pop but at the same time it's giving some classical and maybe even some trip hop? I really love how echoey it gets at some points and the overlay of voices and sounds, like when that bell plays on track three that was some real shit. Also this may have just been because I was listening to the highest quality flacs ever or something but track four got me disorientated, had to look around before I realised the voices were in the song, even gave me some There Is No Food vibes if you get me? I do feel like the album slows down ever so slightly in the second half and songs like track six feel a bit too long for their own good.
[FKA twigs]
I was pretty hyped about this album but it turned out to be a bit of a let-down. I wasn't a giant fan of the more EDM-y vibes coming from this project, I found it a little too reminiscent of BRAT which is a shame because I think BRAT is a way better album in every aspect, not to say FKA twigs was copying Charli, I just feel like she could have done sometimes more with this idea. I also wasn't super interested in the album messaging-wise, it just feels like it's saying something that's already been said over and over. The whole idea of Eusexua too, like sure it's nice to feel good about yourself and be free, all that but to be completely honest I just don't find that a very captivating idea to make an album about. I'm sure my score will increase over time as I give time for this album to sit as my expectations were clearly way too high but for now I'll give it a 3. To be honest I'm not even sure why I'm so disappointed, it's not like FKA twigs is one of my favourite artists or anything but who knows.
[Candy Claws]
(Two Airships / Exploder Falls)
I was actually going to give this a three because it sounds like a piano falling down the stairs bass boosted. It also hurt kind of hurt my ears to listen to as well and EUSEXUA is bouta drop so I can't allow my beautiful ears to get damaged though for some reason I actually kind of love it and I can't explain why that's the case. A 7 seems like a pretty good score for something that lost me 1000hz of hearing range. Edit: Already a 7.5 I can't explain it but I think I might really fw this album though it did take a bit of time to acclimate to it.
[The Weather Station]
It's some alright Jazz-rock most of the time but I didn't like at all how some of this shit was like practically spoken word. Really killed the vibe for me.
[Mac Miller]
Better than Circles in my opinion? To be honest I don't really like Mac's unenergetic almost bored sounding delivery but some of the stuff really got to me especially the last couple songs.
[The 365 Project]
(011: Accept and Embrace the New Dark Age)
Shitpost in the form of an album that I listened to a minute of before realising that this is the whole thing. Simply too deep for me clearly.
[The 365 Project & Post Modern]
(015: Social Outsourcing)
Would have given it more thought if it didn't sound like the album was recorded on a smart fridge or something like buy a $20 mic dude it'll be infinitely better.
[Ethel Cain]
(Preacher's Daughter)
Preacher's Daughter
Bless the souls of all three people who told me to listen to this after I disliked Perverts. This album is everything I loved about Perverts, a more pop-like vibe without the long droning sections which I found tedious to sit through not to say it was without some of these as it had some moments like that in songs like Ptolemaea but it wasn't quite as drawn out and boring as many in Perverts. This album is absolutely great and I can see exactly where all the hype around Ethel was coming from. American Teenager pulled me out of what I was up to and forced me to and provide this album with my complete focus and for its entire hour runtime it was like Ethel had me in a stranglehold. Ethel's voice is wonderful and the recording is on point. Many sections of the narrative on the other hand were interesting but didn't resonate with me personally, not to say for something to resonate you'd have to had experienced it personally but as someone who had a fairly uneventful but happy youth in a atheistic household some lyrics about religion or familial turmoil are so far detached from my own experiences that they're difficult to grasp. I hope Ethel Cain makes more stuff like this in the future though I'm not quite sure what direction she intends to go in at this point, and after hearing Perverts I won't say my expectations are completely marred but they'll be at least a little toned down for her following projects.
[Asian Glow]
One of the most boring and grating shoegaze projects I've ever heard. Instead of sounding layered it just sounded like a stream of boring ass sound.
[Museum Music]
(Edward Skeletrix)
From the reviews I read before hand I thought I was gonna hear a Peggy knockoff which I was fine with because I love Peggy but this is much worse. It might even be too experimental because I had to shut this shit off multiple times because it was hurting my ears.
[Ethel Cain]
Yes I know this is hard to read with no paragraph breaks but I don't know how to add them so just try your best. Just to be clear this is the first Ethel Cain project I've heard so I don't really have much to compare it with, I also was not aware that this was a drone album beforehand because I had my head in the sand or something so that came as a surprise. I found Punish brilliant so I was very excited for this to drop and I hate to say it but I left disappointed. I guess I shouldn't have gone in expecting the level of energy from the lead single throughout the entire album but the first song being glitched up radio sounds and wind noises for the first five minutes was not on my expectation bingo card. To be completely honest I'm not even sure I'd consider most of the title track to be a song at all and that's not a good thing. It was mysterious sure but it didn't really get me very interested nor did I have any idea what was going on. Perhaps I was meant to 'get' it after having finished the album but I didn't. I did like the last two or so minutes a lot more though, sounded like something was actually happening. Punish as mentioned was brilliant, have had it on repeat since release and it's certainly the highlight of this project. The synth was wonderful and I love it through and through. It even managed to feel like its placement in the track list made sense which I was a little worried about when I was about halfway through the title track. Punish is also lyrically interesting despite me being unable to relate to the situation Ethel is speaking of. I'm sure the other tracks are well done lyrically too but Punish is the only one with lyrics right now and I'm a lazy bum who prefers to read lyrics off a page that someone else has written down. I'm not quite sure about Houseofpsychoticwomn, it feels like a repeat of the title track in that instead of being a song its a repeating sound with Ethel whispering mind bending messages in my ears. The repeating sound made it sound like I was spinning or something and it was really annoying lowkey. Ethel said she loved me though so +1 points (ily too Ethel). The droning synth at the end was also pretty cool. Vacillator felt like we were getting back on track, it's a slow nice nice listen that doesn't constitute psychological torture and Onanist was even better, it was ethereal, heavy and all round great. Stuff like it really helped me not have a stroke and die during this album though to be honest at some points it got a little staticy for my liking if that's the word. Not a big fan of the two minutes Ethel ASMR at the end of the track either though I'm sure 'it feels good' has some deep meaning, maybe something to do with the whole abuse throughline going on that I'm not smart enough to decipher. Pulldrone was another spoken word section which if you haven't guessed by now I'm not a fan of. Not much to say, I wasn't listening too carefully so I didn't really know what was going on, ouroboros or something, I'm quite the reviewer I know. Tragically I hadn't liked the album enough up until that point to care too much. Then Ethel used a weedwacker that became bagpipes near the end for the rest of the song. The end. Etienne was a nice instrumental track with random rambling from some guy who sounded like he was behind a pane of glass at the end. Not much to say about it. Thatorchia had some nice heavy synths like Punish did but never matched Punishes freak sadly :(, it was just synth and some vocalization. Amber Waves was a wonderful end to this album, slow and beautiful which I think are the two best attributes Ethel gives her songs in this album. I saw some people commenting about how sad it was, I didn't really feel that. Saddest part about listening to this album is that I got Hypixel level 125 while listening to it. I clearly need to get out more. This album isn't bad, if it was I probably would have turned it off midway through, it certainly had something interesting going on, but I can't see myself returning to it and I wasn't a fan of the long ass drone tracks at all. Certainly didn't make me excited to check out more of Ethel in the future.
The cover was not enough to make me stick around and listen to this really bizarre mixtape. At some points it straight up sounds like a shitpost and I'm fairly sure I'm missing something I would have got if I wasn't illiterate in Spanish.
(L.A.B. VI)
Pretty medicore funk album from L.A.B. that I only listened to because they were from New Zealand and I'm a patriot.
[White Noise Radiance]
(10 Hours Of Continuous Rain Sounds For Sleeping)
I imagine it to be difficult for musicians to stomach that the perfect ambient album was made four billion years ago by mother nature. Aphex Twin could never. Sadly I have to give this album an 80 though as I prefer myself some heavier rain and I'm not a huge fan of whatever material the rain is hitting.
[LCD Soundsystem]
(The Long Goodbye: LCD Soundsystem Live At Madison Square Garden)
The Long Goodbye: LCD Soundsystem Live At Madison Square Garden
A collection of great songs from my goat? There is no way I wouldn't love this. Despite that this felt a bit long as it was like three hours so I had to do shit intermittently. I think this might have hit a lot harder too if they actually broke up but due to me living in the future I know they didn't.
(13 Lentes de um Final Feliz)
Who could have guessed one day a Brazilian furry would make a better rap album than what Kanye dropped. While I can't judge it lyrically due to a language barrier this shit just bangs, all the beats are wonderful and YUNG LIXO has a really good flow. The final track is my favourite and I've been blasting it since release.
[Vylet Pony]
(No Matter What 2024 EP)
Vylet Pony is so overrated I'm sorry but this is just lowkey sucks. It's her 5th project of 2024 and it shows because it feels so rushed and just really unfunny though luckily only about 10 minutes long.
(Live Rope)
It's Christmas day and I'm listening to a Swans album, what the fuck happened to my life? Anyhow the Swans continue to get hyped up on this site and I continue to not know why. They aren't particularly bad or anything but their music is just so god damn boring, the instrumentals especially which is a shame because some of their songs are like full 30 minutes of instrumentals. Some points in this album are just so unbelievably repetitive it borders on annoying. Like how can the first 7 minutes of Rope just be the same strum with a boring drone in the background and the singer channelling a demon or yodelling or some shit, it feels too simple and empty and it really drags. Even when it started to ramp up and get all over the top and shit (my favourite part of every post-rock album), it feels like Swans overdid it. Maybe it was because the recording I'm listening to is just so horrifically low quality but it just sounds like an endless washed out wall of painful sound. I'll still listen to their new album when it eventually drops but my expectations have never been lower. Now, time to hype myself up to talk to my racist uncles who I see once a year in a few hours, wish me luck.
[Godspeed You Black Emperor!]
(Yanqui U.X.O.)
Gotta love how Godspeed drops one of the best songs of all time (Rockets fall on Rocket Falls) but put it in between a whole load of dogshit. It having a 50 just shows how good Rocket Falls is.
[Arcade Fire]
(The Suburbs)
Had to bump this one up from a 6 to a 7.5 because the mega catchy songs like Modern Man cannot seem to get out of my head. It does have some low points and it's a little more bloated than I think it should be but it's still a really good project and some highs are just as high as Funeral.
[Snoop Dogg]
Best thing Snoop has made in actual decades. I was never a big fan of his but aside from that song with Jelly Roll this project is pretty solid.
[Ace of Thorns]
(the view from)
Very impressive album, surely my favourite album from Ms Ace of ___. 'ghosting' goes very hard and going from the cramped and distorted 'crimson' to the tranquil 'by then we'll be halfway down' is quite beautiful to be honest and might have been my favourite part of the album, kind of reminds me of 'if we cannot meet....' in CPU Buddha. I wasn't reading the lyrics so I can't really comment on them but I was just having a fun time with it so it's alright. My main complaints are kind of incoherent and not very constructive but to me a few of the songs sound kind of uninteresting, I wasn't as big a fan of the second half of the album as I was the first, a few of the songs started sounding like some Canadian System of a Down or Green Day knockoff. Didn't like how skin was just a distorted poem and the recording (on the first song especially) is kind of liquidy if you get what I mean (???) which led me to not really enjoy it. Sadly my music word vocab is quite desolate so I'm unable to articulate what I mean. Very excited to see what you come out with next, easily the most interesting musician on this site right now (except for Nevermeant but he dropped one song and dipped so he doesn't count).
(ReMarKable Trackz 1 - Veins of Ruin)
A very uninteresting trap album, it didn't do anything I didn't expect from a trap album including the extreme bragging which I couldn't take serious like man you have 500 listeners on Spotify what millions are you talking about 😭.
(Modal Soul)
Alright but very underwhelming. I really liked Nujabes' Luv(sic) series, it's certainly one of my favourite albums of all time so I assumed I'd like this album too but it's just so boring. I liked the first track, Luv(sic) pt3 and Eclipse but the rest was fairly uninteresting. As usual Nujabes' beats were the best part though.
(Swans Are Dead: Live '95-'97)
Feel Happiness was great but the Swans really can't be here expecting me to sit through almost 2 hours 30 of this shit, honestly I was done by the end of disc 1 and then it kept going. Not to mention disc 2 was just worse than the first.
[Godspeed You Black Emperor!]
(Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada)
Skinny Fists if it didn't suck ass. Moya is probably my favourite one of their songs, up there with 'Rockets fall on Rocket Falls' and 'Storm'. Great stuff going on here.
(The Worm)
This shit was so boring that I literally fell asleep. Like straight up, this is the first time this happened but halfway through I just got up and went to bed, it wasn't even night either it was like 5PM.
(Origin of Symmetry)
Origin of Symmetry
Headache prior to listening to this, headache after too but I really quite liked 'Darkshines' and the rest ranged from alright to good. Sick ass cover too.
(Blue Rev)
Was having a really shit day and then I listened to this and it gave me an even worse headache like beating me when I'm down.
Got bugged into listening to this one and it's really just some basic ass J-Rock. No idea where the love for this album is coming from.
[J. Cole]
(Friday Night Lights)
Getting some early Kanye vibes from this but it just didn't hit. It had a few great songs but the majority didn't do anything for me at all. Kind of funny how a two songs with the same beat got released like 10 days apart though, I'm sure Kanye wasn't happy.
(A Very 1999 Christmas)
Shockingly it's really good. I imagine a lot of it is just because I love christmas music but jschlatt has a great voice and this is probably my favourite version of 'Let it Snow!'
[Natural Snow Buildings]
(Daughter of Darkness)
How people feel pretending to like music on the internet. Is this album haunting and eerie?? I'm not sure. I wasn't really even listening to this album, I was just doing shit and paying it no mind the majority of the time. Did they expect me to take a seat and listen to mysterious sounds for 7 hours straight? This just sounded like one long ass boring song that was intermittently interrupted by whatever sparkles sound like and some guy who sucks ass at yodelling. The only way this 'atmosphere' you guys are going on about is as pronounced as you say is if the atmosphere is me walking through a cold ass street for 7 hours with nothing to do as I slowly lose my fucking mind. Like I was kind of enjoying the atmosphere for the first 20 or 30 minutes but this shit just drains you, I felt tired after listening to this album. It is funny to see the Spotify views drop slowly as people get bored out of their minds listening to this. I think I'm going to get an early night.
(For Long Tomorrow)
God I hate math rock. Why did I give this a listen at all? Even then though, the album was pretty alright so I'm sure anyone who actually likes math rock would have a great time.
Hello?? They got even better?? This album is borderline perfect. The lyrics, poetic. The instrumentals, incredible and even with a pinch of jazz that was absent from the previous project. The way they made the sounds of mining in songs like '采石'(The quarry) was absolutely awesome to hear and '河北墨麒麟' was so epic. Would be an 100 if track 3 didn't exist.
I was loving this project and then '杀死那个石家庄人' came on and it was like what the fuck where have you been in my life before now??
Nothing bad about this project, it was good but could have been better with a few more exciting or interesting moments.
[Sabrina Carpenter]
(Short n' Sweet)
Welp, it's official, I've become too terminally online to listen to normal music. The push that finally got me to listen to this album was Dead Meat of all things, he did a killcount of the Taste music video, which while being a sick music video is also an unbelievably bland song. Not just Taste though, every song in this album is so bland that I forget them the moment I finish. Even Expresso which everyone seemed to like was so fucking boring that it had me wondering if maybe I just hate joy?? Even worse for me, the chorus to Expresso is so catchy that I've been endlessly torturing myself listening to a song I don't like. Why would you do this to me Sabrina? Very catchy, very good music videos but the music is like having plain white rice without any other dishes. Edit: Expresso has been stuck in my head for an actual month I think I might just end my life soon (think bout me oh isn't that sweet I guess so, say you can't sleep I know that's that me expresso).
[閔小芬 [Min Xiao-Fen]]
(The Moon Rising)
Never heard any classical Chinese music but this shit sucks 🤑 🤑 🤑 💯
Don't get this one at all, it's just kind of boring idk... Like it had some pretty great moments like 'Cops and robbers' and 'Johnny johnny johnny' but then the rest despite being loud and glitchy still just doesn't stick out at all.
[Fae Dads]
God bless Youtuber musicians for making the most bland and uninteresting music of all time. Still not absolutely terrible, probably on account of its length but whatever.
[Autumn's Grey Solace]
(Within the Depths of a Darkened Forest)
Not really my thing, I like the ethereal dreamy vibes but it just feels a little empty, like it is missing something or could be doing more.
[The Pharcyde]
(Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde)
Fun jazz-rap but just gets a little boring at points. The second half is a lot better though and kind of clutched up.
[black midi]
Excellent at some points but what really brought it down was moments where the sound was so over the top and insane that my brain tapped out and stopped focusing on the music.
[Freddie Gibbs]
(You Only Die 1nce)
You're in your 40s dude you have to stop making gangsta rap 😭😭
[Freddie Gibbs & Madlib]
Loved Deeper, the rest was kind of hit or miss for me. Not bad by any measure though.
[Kendrick Lamar]
I'm pretty sure I'm holding Kendrick to a standard too high but I can't help myself. How can I not compare this to his masterpieces and while good, it's just kind of a let down? It felt empty in beats and raps. The title track also sucked ass and made me want to kill myself in a record breaking three minutes. God I hope my goat isn't washed but from where I'm standing this seems like the beginning of the end.
[Deltron 3030]
(Deltron 3030)
I know everyone loves this album but I can't for the love of me figure out why?? It's just kind of boring. All I have to say, not awful or even bad though.
[Black Country, New Road]
(Ants From Up There)
Ants From Up There Ants From Up There
Idk what Billie Eilish style is but bars. I can seriously listen to this album over and over and not get tired of it, everything is booming and grand, it's like being hit with a wave of sound but the wave sick as hell and it's awesome and super cool I think I'm losing my mind but this album is sick as hell please listen to this shit I was hooked by the second song it's totally worth your time.
[Black Country, New Road]
(Live at Bush Hall)
Live at Bush Hall
Probably one of my favourite live albums of all time?? This album was effortlessly fire and is just a 3rd LP in my heart. My favourite song on here was predictably Turbines/Pigs, the building up into explosions of sound is just immaculate and the female singers cooks, she isn't a pig she's being too hard on herself :( . Very excited for these guys next work.
[Black Country, New Road]
(For the first time)
Some of the tracks felt a little lacklustre especially compared to their later works but it was still a very good album, lots of bangers especially 'Science Fair', 'Sunglasses' and 'Opus'. It was a bit weird to hear Mr Road talking about Kanye, I don't know what that was about but I wonder if he too is as disappointed at Vultures as me.
(The Joshua Tree)
Was really enjoying the first few songs, kind of let down by the second half though which was nowhere near the level of the first and the last four songs lost this album a full two points from me.
[Steely Dan]
Very good album up until 'I Got the News' which really pulled it up to an eight for me, that song is perhaps too smooth, impossibly so. Was a little disappointed that this wasn't 'The New Sound but less horny' like it was advertised but I got over that pretty quickly and just enjoyed this album for for it's endlessly funky jazz rock.
(3D Country)
3D Country
I thought I hated country because it was a bad genre, but it seems I hated country because nobody in the genre was doing it like Geese. This album is so fun and bullshit in the best ways possible. What I saw could make a dead man die is bars, ily Cameron Winter. The title track is my favourite off the album and a perfect song imho.
[glass beach]
(plastic death)
A pretty great album that kind of started collapsing in on itself midway through but then seemed to hold off the collapse just well enough. The whole first half banged but the second was a little hit or miss for me though 'the CIA', 'commatose' and 'abyss angel' really clutched up and held this together. Especially commatose that song bangs so hard. The first half was incredible though with not a single miss.
[Jack Harlow]
I preferred him a lot more on Industry Baby and I think I will continue to only listen to him in Industry Baby.That's not because it's bad it's just because Industry Baby is that good. The actual album is alright, I liked 'They Don't Love It' the most but I really felt like this entire project Jack was just getting carried by his beats. I also feel like it needed to be longer than 22 minutes as it's not really a full album?? More like an EP idk.
[Linkin Park]
(From Zero)
I'm sure people who love Linkin Park are loving this record, sadly I am not one of them and I just got bored out of my mind as this just felt like a rehash of older albums.
[Father John Misty]
Good album, very beautiful but didn't really gripped me, except for in 'Screamland' and 'She Cleans Up' which both go hard, but Screamland more in a going hard way and She Cleans Up more in a very pretty way. I can't explain anything, listen to the songs if you want to get it.
[Wu-Tang Clan]
(Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers))
Maybe I just don't get 90s hiphop but this stuff is so overrated and boring. Some guy told me to smoke while listening to it but I think if I was high I'd probably fall asleep by song two.
Just realised I forgot to rate it but this album put me to sleep Tyler was onto something.
[Mos Def]
(Black on Both Sides)
Black on Both Sides
It's fun and an interesting listen both musically and lyrically. It's clearly a classic for a reason and I feel like it's aged much better than other 'classic' hiphop albums from the 90s like Illmatic or Enter The Wu-Tang.
(I like the way you slit (join my cult 2))
Thank god this was only 15 minutes because I think any more and I would have gone insane. The mixing is totally fucked and it felt like my ear drums were being blown out once a second. It must be a purposeful decision but I don't know what purpose giving me a headache serves. Dogshit cover too.
A really fun album and automatic is an absolute banger.
Great debut album, a few songs like HEAT, TRIP and SWIM brought it down for me and the last song wasn't super satisfying either. I also thought the skits didn't really add anything but apart from that it's full of bangers, my favourites were 2PAC and FACE. Will be sure to listen to 2 and 3.
[Shiro Sagisu]
(The End of Evangelion)
Alright for ambience but listening to it as an actual album is so boring zzzzz how is this so highly rated.
[Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders & The London Symphony Orchestra]
Perhaps too minimal? Like I know this thing is literally a post minimal album but holy shit I think I can feel that one harp string reverberating in my head and I'm going insane.
It's alright but Tay K gonna rot in hell do not free this man.
[Vylet Pony]
(Monarch of Monsters)
I think I'd like this more if I didn't have to fight Apple music to listen to it. My favourite song was easily Pest, the guitar and whatever brass instrumental was playing at the start went so hard, but it just went downhill from there and it really hit it's lowest point on Sludge where to be honest the name says everything. It was a boring 20 minute slog where I at multiple points considered just turning the album off and then once it finally ended Revenge Fantasy started playing and that song was ass too 😭 (not nearly as bad though). It seems like a lot of people got hit hard by this one but I just can't relate, perhaps I'm just a sheltered little whiteboy but this was far too hit or miss for me. By the way, was that a gmod sound effect on PLAY DEAD! PLAY DEAD!? I swear to god it was. When it comes out on Spotify I'll relisten to it and perhaps the pain of giving Tim Apple my credit card will have dissipated and I'll be able to enjoy it fully. Edit: Upon relisten I will not be changing my score, this album was just as mixed a bag for me as on first listen.
Not as good as chaser, though chaser is one of my favourite albums of all time so that'd be pretty hard. Despite that, this album had a real kick to it. I've loved Weightless, dinner and M3 N MIN3 since their first release and songs like IT'S TIME go crazy hard. I'd really love to have heard M3 N MIN3 for the first time on this album because hearing the Danny check was so hype. I'd like for more variety in femtanyl's next release as the formula is getting a little repetitive though I'll keep listening to her music even if she just does this forever she my goat fr. I also had Chromokopia queued by accident and the transition from IT'S TIME and Darling, I is pretty good.
[The Postal Service]
(Give Up)
Lots of bangers but the second half really just faded into the background.
[The Roppl]
(A Little Bit Of The Road or Something Like an Egg in the morning cracked over my head)
[Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band]
(Trout Mask Replica)
Trout Mask Replica
i spent like 10 straight minutes laughing at this shit how the fuck did this even happen. did he not let anyone hear this?? how did frank zappa give this the thumbs up? like who decided to put a fully spoken word 2 minute long section for the second song?? i literally felt like i was going insane listening to this shit, but i cant put an album that gave me this much joy before a 50, despite it deserving a 10. would never listen to this again though.
[LCD Soundsystem]
(american dream)
no its not the word lcd soundsystem album. its a step down for sure but it still has the same lcd soundsystem charm and oh baby is easily one of their best. the main issue with this album was some really disappointing last few songs, there did not need to be any 12 minute songs and the rest of the stuff was good but it just didnt blow me away like those on sound of silver or this is happening.
[Natalia Lafourcade]
(De Todas las Flores)
De Todas las Flores
the first song didnt click but it was smooth sailing from there, this is honestly one of the 'smoothest' (probably the wrong word) albums I've ever listened to so i can imagine myself returning often especially with all the great songs on here like the title track and maria la cuarandera. my only issue is that some songs weren't particularly memorable but that might be a language barrier thing.
[LCD Soundsystem]
(Sound of Silver)
Sound of Silver Sound of Silver
my favourite lcd soundsystem record, its consistent, fun and every track is near perfect (except for the title track but that still goes hard). the final track was a complete curveball in the best way possible and everything else was just classic lcd soundsystem but at the highest level possible. you can tell just how hard this man laboured over every single song, they're layered but never have too much going on. all my friends is one of my favourite songs of all time btw. very excited to see what mr soundsystem has in store for me next.
[LCD Soundsystem]
(LCD Soundsystem)
just too many misses for me to love. songs like thrills, yeah and tired fuck the flow up really badly and honestly the entire disk 2 is a step down except for the first few songs. this does not need to be almost two hours though it could have done with half.
[LCD Soundsystem]
(This Is Happening)
This Is Happening
for some reason i kept trying to this listen to this record and then getting bored by drunk girls, perhaps I'm sexist idk, but after i broke my mental barrier i was able to fully enjoy this. i slowly think mr system is becoming one of my favourite artists. of course dance yrself clean was the highlight but thats not to discredit all the other great songs on here, even somebody's calling me, which all the terminally online seem to hate was honestly great. it was very fun and if i was physically capable of dance i would've been throwing it back rn.
(webcore friends)
brain tumor music. i don't think i can see colours anymore after watching that music video either. aside from the loss of 10 years of my future life this is just some pretty generic sounding modern breakcore, or maybe digital hardcore idk but its surely not hardcore sounding enough and if I'm being honest at this point all the breakcore i hear this days forms some kind of homogeneous glob in my head and asking me to name a single song would be quite a challenge. it bores me to death and every song sounds like bright colours and autism.
[The Caretaker]
(Everywhere at the End of Time)
just sounds like low quality old music to me and even if it didnt and I'm too tiktok brained to get through this long ass album. probably some life changing experience, too bad its too boring for me to listen to.
[Kali Uchis]
i don't know enough spanish to listen to this. straight up. i know a bit of spanish, i could probably hold a conversation with a second grader but thats about my extent, so when she switches between spanish and english i feel like I'm having whiplash trying to figure out what shes saying because I'm not smart enough to understand the spanish sections without a lot of thought. i think ill relisten to this once I'm more literate and i imagine it will be better.
had some real bangers like DVNO and D.A.N.C.E but most of the time it just blends into the background. stress (the song but also the concept) was also just bad so that didn't help either. yeah I'm sure this was ahead of its time and groundbreaking but listening to it now i just don't think it holds up.
[Pink Floyd]
(The Wall)
the last pink floyd record in their legendary 70s run and its... underwhelming?? this album isnt bad, i actually like it but its just a bit overhyped. it has too many songs and has spread itself thin creatively which you can definitely notice in the second disk where songs start being really hit or miss. of course another brick in the wall (all parts) and comfortably numb are classics though. this is the donda of the pink floyd discography (i cant go a single minute without a kanye reference sorry).
[Mount Eerie]
(Night Palace)
Night Palace
this album took me like 5 tries to get into and i think it was worth it, some of this stuff is mystical, like straight up i felt like i went into a trance like state listening to co-owner of trees. might need to relisten with a focus on the lyrics as i have no idea why demolition turned into a podcast at the end but it was cool either way. the range of sounds on this album is quite honestly insane and the fact that they seem to work together is even more crazy. my main complaint was that yeah it just took me a while to get into, thats just because of my inexperience with mr eerie i think but still gonna hold it against him idk. also the album cover looks like dogshit literally every single cover looked better than this sorry phil. very rewarding album to listen to and i imagine my rating can only grow. sidenote spotify queued scary monsters and super creeps (the song not the album) after this album and the transition from i need new eyes to scary monsters and super creeps is scarily good.
[The Cure]
(Songs of a Lost World)
Songs of a Lost World
Listened with my dad and him being pissed off that the songs were all like 6 minutes honestly made the experience way better. I was already impressed with 'Alone', but when 'And Nothing Is Forever' went on, holy shit I was going crazy. One of the best songs I've heard this year. The only low point on this one for me was Warsong and it was barely a low point. We are back team. Edit: 8.8 -> 8.4 This album has grown off me a little. I still think it's great but it's not hitting as hard.
[Daft Punk]
(Random Access Memories)
Lots of great stuff especially Giorgio by Moroder, Giving Life Back to Music, Instant Crush, Touch and Get Lucky. A nice and very thematically satisfying send off for daft punk, but it just never really clicked for me, I've listened to this about three times now and its still just really hit or miss imo. I think this would be better if I was a bigger Daft Punk fan.
[Tyler the Creator]
Just finished this shit and WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE SECOND HALF. IM ACTUALLY TWEAKING SO MUCH WHATTTT. 'Like Him' had me floating and Balloon sent me fucking intersetellar. 'Take Your Mask Off' was also straight beautiful. Not much more to say but my goat is still alive and I'm so happy right now. Edit: 9.4 -> 9.7 This album has grown on me since release and I can't stop listening to it. The songs hit hard and go hard.
[Cosmo Sheldrake]
(Eye To the Ear)
Some of the stuff like 'Marvellous Clouds', 'I Did And I Don't And I Do', 'By Being With You' and 'Interdimensional' had me floating but I thought the majority of the center had very little to it and I ended up zoning out a bit. This was certainly interesting though, not sure if I've ever heard something quite like this before and I imagine it requires a certain mood to enjoy fully.
(Voices From the True World VII)
i feel like I've heard this same kind of sound too many times and it bores me at this point. it sounds like one of those 'credits song for my death but I'm the final boss' videos. at some points it almost just fades into the background but then randomly increases its intensity and reminds me of its existence which i didnt appreciate. crystal ice caves was a nice change of pace though, i enjoyed that one.
[Venetian Snares]
(Rossz Csillag Alatt Született)
really hated szerencestlen but it was smooth sailing from there. maybe its because right before i listened to a song from the genre 'harsh noise wall' and needed to cool off idk. i liked the classical moments a fair bit more than i expected and i enjoyed ongyikos vasanap and hajnal (especially hajnal that was fire) quite a lot and i thought the ending song was very pretty but a fair few of the songs just felt a bit redundant and id probably have enjoyed it more if it was a bit shorter but that might just be a skill issue, maybe ill need a relisten. some of this album kind of reminded me of Maigre by igorrr and ruby my dear which was cool.
[Mike Krol]
(I Hate Jazz)
somebody buy this guy a working microphone please holy shit why does this sound like it was recorded on a microphone from the 1940s
(The Lamb as Effigy)
The Lamb as Effigy
i like the slendermen on the cover but this album just hurts my ears. i like the first song 'man proposes, god disposes' but it just goes downhill from there until my ears are bleeding by the end. i literally had to take a break after margin for error because it was too much for me.
(Joy as an Act of Resistance)
Joy as an Act of Resistance
this is just one of those albums that you listen to because the name gets caught in your mind. unironically one of the most fire album titles of all time right behind allelujah! don't bend! ascend! sadly the album doesn't match its titles coolness, in the second half at least. the first half is absolutely incredible which is the main reason for my score, the second half loses its steam a bit though, its by no means bad but it just doesn't go quite as hard.
[Will Wood & The Tapeworms]
(Everything Is a Lot)
music for people who try to pretend that they are unwell in the head. i wont believe youre truly insane in the head until you do something actually off the rails, kick a baby or sit outside a supermarket yelling slurs at strangers and then maybe ill believe you.
[They Might Be Giants]
one of the og geek rock albums with not a single song thats bad and even has a couple classics just birdhouse in your soul and istanbul (not constantinople). umbrella academy actually got me onto this one (fun fact). your racist friend is a great song name btw.
(Black Ben Carson)
the first jpegmafia album and its... alright? it has some songs like all caps no spaces, drake era, the 27 club and the extremely disturbing i just killed a cop now I'm horny that show off peggys talents but most of this stuff ranges from average to alright.
(Orgy of the Damned)
blues rock was a mistake and should never have existed and this album is proof
(Gris Original Soundtrack)
Gris Original Soundtrack
absolutely incredible ost that really makes gris. unagi and gris, pt. 1 are some of my most listened to songs of all time on spotify and the rest are some very nice songs to just chill and listen to.
[My Chemical Romance]
(Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge)
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
my favourite my chemical romance album and one of the last truly great pop punk albums
[my bloody valentine]
you can practically hear the cover, this is the kind of music you have to listen to with headphones because its just too layered to listen to on a shitty phone speaker or something. i honestly couldnt imagine hearing this in 1991, i would be losing my mind.
[Twenty Øne Piløts]
(Trench 10 Inch Triplet EP)
i don't get why people love this one so much. i thought nico and the niners was good but the other two were just alright.