⚠︎ Incomplete! (You probably noticed). It will look nice once inspiration flows, or it may never look nice.

Date created: Dec 7, 2022

picture of it

Press windows key+enter to open a terminal. Then run the command touch ~/.Xresources to create a file Xresources then edit it with vim or nano (or any other command line based editor).

Run the command windows key+p and enter the name of your browser of choice though you may be unable to see what you are typing.

dpi.lv screenshot

After opening a browser enter the url dpi.lv and copy its pixels per inch result. its 166 for me.

In your file ~/.Xresources type Xft.dpi: 166 but replace 166 with your pixels per inch you just got.

After saving ~/.Xresources press windows key + control + r to reload awesome and your problem should be fixed!