i feel like a lot of people on discord these days seem to have their sexual identities sitting in their bio like a trophy or something, and as someone who hates everything i find that a little annoying. this isnt to say you shouldnt be happy with how gay you are, but if youre in some fucking minecraft discord, knowing what shape gets you off isnt pertinent at all. i googled why people do this and the first result was "Because they see it as a part of their personality" and if thats true thats kind of sad.
unless youre trying to get some digital bitches (which is a terrible idea btw) it should never really be the subject of a conversation, and even if it is the subject (for example, you're talking about how you're trying to get a gf, bf etc irl) from context people would be able to figure it out anyway assuming they have fully developed frontal cortexes, and if they dont then you probably shouldnt be talking about those topics with them. what should really be in your bio is your pronouns if you care, though if youre a guy this doesnt really matter as the default gender on discord is male, some minor information about you (things you like, birthday etc) obv not not stuff thats gonna let the people youre talking shit to track you down but just detailed enough that people have a general idea of who you are. here is the perfect bio, feel free to take notes:

i like broads and crack. i live in sierra leone so dont even try bitch. i work in finance.
Jun 8, 1984
btw i know ive been very slow on the blogs lately and this one is really short, exams suck.